Where we are

By car:

Pay attention:

We remind you that the Gavia pass, the Stelvio Pass (and the pass of Santa Maria) are closed because of the snow during the winter period (from november to the end of may)!.

We suggest you to check anyway, anytime, to verify if the passes are really opened; because sometimes they are temporary closed even in summer time for unexpected snow, sports event etc. So we suggest you to call the Carabinieri in Bormio at this number (Carabinieri - Bormio: 0342-903700), and ask them. Also be ready with an alternative way.

From Milano:
At the exit of the hiway in Milan, follow the signs for Lecco and then Sondrio. Go on following the Stelvio route, number 38, to Tirano (165 km). Go on till Bormio (207 km) and then Santa Caterina (220 Km).

From Val Camonica:
Drive to Edolo and then over the Aprica pass, you will reach Tirano; then go on to Bormio, and then S.Caterina.
During the summer period the Gavia pass is opened, so in Edolo turn right heading to Ponte di Legno, from there take the Gavia pass and arrive fast in Santa Caterina.

From east, center and south Italy:
Go to Milan and follow the previous instructions. If arriving from east, it is faster to go to Brescia, and from there follow the instructions "from Val Camonica".

From Bolzano province:
Drive to and over the Stelvio pass (summer only)to get into Bormio, then turn left to S.Caterina.

From Zurich: 
Zurich Landquart (CH) - Davos (CH) - Passo del Flüela – Zernez – Tunnel “Munt La Schera” -Zurigo Landquart (CH) - Coira (CH) – Thusis – Tiefenacastel – Passo Julier - S. Moritz, Bernina pass - Tirano - Bormio - S.Caterina.

By train:
With the railway service 'Milano-Lecco-Sondrio-Tirano' you will get into Tirano. Milan-Tirano takes 2.30 h. In Tirano go to the bus station (right in front of the train station) and take a bus to Bormio, there switch bus to Santa Caterina.

By bus from 'Orio al Serio' airport:

Click here and follow the link.

Hotel Genzianella

 Via Santa Caterina, 31 - 23030 S. Caterina Valfurva - SO Italia


Telefono: +39 0342 925092

email: infohotelgenzianella@gmail.com

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